20 March, 2009

Fundaraising Update/Ladies Mini-Marathon

Our fundraising efforts this year have done very well so far:

Raffle 4,000
Feile 1,500
Street collections 1,000
Carol singing 250
Coffee morning 900
Bag packing 200
Apple juice 3,560*

Total 11,350

*This is when all the apple juice has been sold – so please keep up your efforts

Although our work has been so productive so far, the funds raised are just covering our energy costs, so to keep the momentum going (and hopefully to complete some of the essential outdoor work), the Fundraising Team have met to try and outline possible ways of generating more income.

One super suggestion was the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon, which takes place on Monday, June 1st. If you would like to run, walk or jog the route, all you need to do is register online at:

Mary Davis has done up sponsor forms for the school and they are available either from her or any of the teachers. So, if you would like to do the mini-marathon yourself, or if you know someone that does it regularly and would like a great cause to support, please get a form!


More news soon of other fundraisers…

The Fundraising Team

10 March, 2009

Kildare Steiner School Fundraiser: Concert


SOLOS not HEARD before
New transcriptions & free improvisations

Cello - Georg Mertens (Australia)

Music from Albeniz, Bach, Squire, Popper, Rachmaninov, and Mertens.
Georg Mertens' 'Erh Hu Imrpovisations' in which sounds are produced like
from another world.
visit: www.georgcello.com and 'YouTube'


FRIDAY April 3rd 7.30 pm


Dunshane, Brannockstown, Naas, Co. Kildare

Bookings: Harvest Fare Blessington ph 045 891636
or Svantje at Kildare Steiner School ph 0851 574 267
also tickets at the door

Adults 20 € / Consc. 15 € / Child 10 €
(Includes complementary wine or juice)

02 March, 2009

Social Morning


Come along and meet the other parents, have some coffee and a chat. Children are especially welcome. 9:30 a.m. (after school drop off) on Thursday, 5th March 2009 at Mary's house.

Need directions? Check for the flyer your child (should have) brought home, or give Mary a call.